I figure it's only appropriate to give credit where credit is due. Hence, the idea I wanted to include this video of Sam Cooke's version of "Change is Gonna Come." Now I can never, ever, ever say there's an Artist on this Earth whom can sing this song like the ole' mighty Sam Cooke. However, I must admit, Rebecca Ferguson has touched my heart in the same way. I really love here phrasing. She is truly a classic soul singer and I hope good ole' soul music will be the songs she will perform in the weeks to come. Sam Cooke isn't here with us to tell her how incredible she truly is. However, he has plenty of fans whom will say she truly did the song justice. I sure hope Amy Winehouse gets her act together sooner than later because it looks like lil' Miss Ferguson may grab the Motown torch and run with it. Not that there isn't room for both of them as I would love to hear a duet. However, considering Amy's circumstances, my wish is questionable....
On A Side Note: I've listened to Rebecca's version countless times since this posting and I can't believe I'm saying this because "Change is Gonna Come" is my favorite, favorite song. I believe Miss Rebecca Ferguson sings this song even better than Mr. Sam Cooke himself. Every time I've watched this woman sing this song, I've cried. She has a way of ripping your heart out. Its so wonderful Miss Ferguson has just introduced Sam Cooke to the younger generation. This song lives on some 47 years later through this lovely young lady.
Video: Black As White 1 -Youtube
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